I had an oppurtunity to do a night shoot with a photography group Friday night, the photos turned out nice. It was a clear night and I learned a considerable amount. The night however, took a interesting twist, the kind that makes you appreciate what you have in life. My friend Eric at
http://viking79.blogspot.com/ tells the story beautifully and captured the moment flawlessly.
Gosh these are gorgeous and capture the sites so well...you go!
These shots are so beautiful. I love the shimmering quality and that perfect balance between contrast and shadow detail. Well done. GREG
Beautiful shots!!! I really like night scene especially because of the lights.
What an amazing experience. I checked out Eric's site and it's interesting to see the same composition of your photos but his in color and yours in black and white. I think the black and white really works to set off the eerie feeling of the steam.
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