Where have I been, what am I doing all good questions! This week I have the pleasure of catering an event for 350 guests ( well the dessert part anyways ). So my team and I have been baking, prepping, redoing mistakes all week. Yes, even the pro's make mistakes and have to redo items that didn't quite make the cut! 175 flourless cakes, 180 lemon tarts, 3 sauces and 2 gallons of ganache later I am still alive. Thanks to my incredible team of talented students!
Fellow students hard at work
Fellow students hard at work
What a mess who's workstation is this?
At least I didn't have to make the 50 dozen hand made rolls!
Wow, sounds like a lot of work! That's a huge event to cater :)
You go girl! I loved those parties of 350 to 700, made you feel like you were really part of something terrific and you learn so much!!! I did a lot of charity events and mostly weddings in Dallas with my company The Cork Screws Wine and Food Company...
Wow! Duly impressed! What fun and what luck!
Wow, that is highly admirable. Musthave been a ton of work, but I bet the event was just awesome! I hope you can rest a bit..
I love hearing about catering events! Your photo of the little cakes sent me fond memories of my time spent working in bakeries. Now that I've been away from it so long I really have the desire to go back. :)
Wow! Your all awesome!!
Wow, that's an amazing amount of food to prepare! Very impressive!
Sarah....wow 350 guests this is a lot of work!! but If you enjoy it, the same can be extenuating but comforting too.
Good job, literally, and in the dessert part, much better :)
Yep, we all make mistakes. Sounds like a great event!
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